Meet the Cast of the PCOS Challenge TV Show – Part II

Meet Audrey and Maxine from the PCOS Challenge television show as they speak about their experiences as women with PCOS.

PCOS Challenge Coaches Audrey Audrey is a technical writer from Morgantown, West Virginia. Though she usually has a bubbly personality, Audrey struggles with moodiness and depression. Coupled with weight gain and emotional eating, Audrey often feels that her weight and health are spiraling out of control. She is also concerned about the state of her marriage to her husband, Aaron and feels guilty about the impact that PCOS also has on him. She desperately wants to lose weight, feel more emotionally stable, get her emotional eating under control, and get pregnant and have the happy household that they had always imagined.
PCOS Challenge Coaches Maxine Maxine is married to her sweetheart, Jonathan. She is a Sexual Health Educator who works with women and girls. The PCOS symptoms that have the biggest impact on Maxine are infertility and weight gain. Though she appreciates her fuller figure, she understands that weight loss may help her to reach her goal of conceiving. Her biggest obstacles are the types of food that she eats and the fact that she has never exercised regularly. However, her plan is to make the changes necessary to get healthy and beat PCOS.

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